We can help you learn and implement the NM-SBIRT Model.
Yes, you can now bill for SBIRT services under Medicaid.
See dowload at bottom of page for details.
The Life Link Training Institute is helping medical facilities become Medicaid billing ready. We train people in the required courses and inform Medicaid when a person and clinic has completed the LLTI-NMSBIRT courses. You can get the SBIRT regulations here.
Becoming Trained
Becoming SBIRT trained in order to bill Medicaid is a process. Individuals as well as clinics will need to be trained. NM has chosen to continue the very successful model outlined through the SAMHSA grant. It is necessary to certify each clinic inside of large organizations.
Our primary mode of training is virtual using Zoom. It is preferred that each individual being trained register and attend on their own device. Computers and pads are acceptable, but not phones. Individuals being trained need to be fully present with video and audio working property. Multi-tasking during training, i.e., taking calls, having appointments that pull someone from a training, or other consistent distractions may result in the person needing to repeat the training. If a group is to be trained together in a front of a TV we will provide paper documentation for attendance purposes. |
Who Can Bill SBIRT Medicaid Codes
Eligible facilities
1. Primary care offices including FQHCs, LHS and 638 tribal facilities; 2. Patient centered medical homes; 3. Urgent care Centers; 4. Hospital outpatient facilities; 5. Emergency departments; 6. Rural health clinics: 7. Specialty health clinics; and 8. School-based health centers Eligible practitioners 1. Licensed nurse; 2. Licensed nurse practitioner or licensed nurse clinician; 3. Behavioral health practitioner; 4. Certified peer support worker; 5. Certified community health worker; 6. Licensed physician assistant; 7. Physician: 8. Medical assistant; and 9. Community health representative in tribal clinics. FQHC's are not able to bill for the HLQ screen or brief interventions outside of the enounter rate. The brief intervention can only be billed if these two qualifications are met: 1. Rendered by a behavioral health clinician (i.e psychiatrist, DO, CNP in psych, PA, psychologist, LPCC, LMFT, LADAC or LPAA or LMSW under supervision) AND 2. The patient came in for a physical health appointment. An FQHC can bill the intervention in units on a CMS 1500 form: Reimbursed at $73.20/unit. |
We will be posting training dates for hospitals and clinics on our website and delivered through Zoom. Due to the number of places being trained, we will be training per track/module rather than by a specific location or site. For instance, it is our goal to train hospital administrators first. There will be numerous and repeated specific trainings just for them. Only one date need be attended. There is also a Screening and Brief Intervention module as well as others as mentioned below. Unless a person has multiple roles there is no need to attend any other track than what the role might be. Keep in mind, ER and Clinic trainings are different in many ways so we will be posting tracks just for Hospital ER Admin vs Clinic Administrators. An administrator should attend the appropriate track based on the facility. Likewise for the other tracks. There will be multiple trainings for each track so to give options of dates of one to attend. There is no need to repeat a track training unless wanting to do so.
We will be posting training dates for hospitals and clinics on our website and delivered through Zoom. Due to the number of places being trained, we will be training per track/module rather than by a specific location or site. For instance, it is our goal to train hospital administrators first. There will be numerous and repeated specific trainings just for them. Only one date need be attended. There is also a Screening and Brief Intervention module as well as others as mentioned below. Unless a person has multiple roles there is no need to attend any other track than what the role might be. Keep in mind, ER and Clinic trainings are different in many ways so we will be posting tracks just for Hospital ER Admin vs Clinic Administrators. An administrator should attend the appropriate track based on the facility. Likewise for the other tracks. There will be multiple trainings for each track so to give options of dates of one to attend. There is no need to repeat a track training unless wanting to do so.
Primary Care clinics, hospitals, emergency departments must be certified in order to be eligible to bill Medicaid. Because the primary focus of SBIRT is to integrate behavioral health with medicine, stand alone Behavioral Health agencies are not eligible to bill Medicaid for screens or brief interventions. Sites and individuals are certified by completing the following:
Our normal mode of training is virtual.
Primary Care clinics, hospitals, emergency departments must be certified in order to be eligible to bill Medicaid. Because the primary focus of SBIRT is to integrate behavioral health with medicine, stand alone Behavioral Health agencies are not eligible to bill Medicaid for screens or brief interventions. Sites and individuals are certified by completing the following:
- Administrators/Supervisors (those with decision making authority) meet with Life Link Training Institute SBIRT Trainers. One hour training. This must be completed prior to scheduling the additional trainings.
- Support Staff front desk/reception and others whose role is to pass out screens. We will include scoring in this module as some will be handing out the HLQ but not not doing a brief intervention. One hour training.
- *Screening, Brief Interventions (SBI track) and Referrals to Treatment, is required for staff who will be scoring, interpreting results and providing brief interventions with patients. We will be covering how to do a brief intervention. A four-hour course. Previous to this course watch the HLQ Scoring Video. The registration link is at the top of the training calendar. If you are NOT scoring the HLQ, you do not need to watch the video.
- Providers - Those who deliver medical care, i.e., Drs, PAs, CNPs. We will make an overview of the Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire (HLQ). Providers need not take the 2-day Motivational Interviewing (MI) course. Some MI will be included in this module. One hour course.
- Optional - Behavioral Health – counselors, social workers. Additional trainings available including MI, Community Reinforcement Approach, Seeking Safety. We highly suggest these trainings as a solid basis for working with those with addictions.
Our normal mode of training is virtual.
SBIRT has become universal in increasing patient care and screening at-risk alcohol and other drug use among patients. The NM SBIRT model includes mental health factors as well. It is well established that mental health and substance disorders do not necessarily exist alone and must be screened, assessed, and treated together. Hospital ERs must be certified in order to be eligible to bill Medicaid at the higher SBIRT rate. There is a different training curriculum for clinics and other hospital units. Behavioral Health facilities are not eligible to bill Medicaid since the primary focus of SBIRT is to integrate behavioral health with medicine. Facility and individual requirements who may bill Medicaid are found on the LLTI website. Sites and individuals are certified by completing the following:
SBIRT has become universal in increasing patient care and screening at-risk alcohol and other drug use among patients. The NM SBIRT model includes mental health factors as well. It is well established that mental health and substance disorders do not necessarily exist alone and must be screened, assessed, and treated together. Hospital ERs must be certified in order to be eligible to bill Medicaid at the higher SBIRT rate. There is a different training curriculum for clinics and other hospital units. Behavioral Health facilities are not eligible to bill Medicaid since the primary focus of SBIRT is to integrate behavioral health with medicine. Facility and individual requirements who may bill Medicaid are found on the LLTI website. Sites and individuals are certified by completing the following:
- Administrators/ER and Clinical Supervisors (those with decision making authority) meet with Life Link Training Institute SBIRT Trainers. This needs to be completed before any other training for the facility. (Up to one hour). Meeting dates are found on our calendar.
- Identify one or more SBIRT liaisons for communicating with LLTI and name appropriate dedicated SBIRT hospital staffing.
- Develop policies and procedures for the implementation of SBIRT in the facility. We can offer suggestions if desired.
- Develop relationships for treatment referrals, for patients who opt for treatment. If there are no in-house BH therapists, consider OpenBeds digital onboarding to prepare for referrals.
- Providers - Those who deliver medical care, i.e., Drs, PAs, CNPs. They are not required to do the 2-day MI training. We will make an overview of the Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire (HLQ). (up to one hour depending on the number of participants).
- There is a half hour scoring training for people who just need to score the Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire. This does not include how to do a brief intervention.
- Motivational Interviewing/Screening and Brief Interventions (MI/SBI) is required for staff who will be supervising, administering, scoring, interpreting results and providing brief interventions with patients. Staff who will be providing SBIRT interventions (outside of providers) should complete the full two-day training in MI/SBI track. Meeting dates are found on our calendar. SBI track will be included in the 2-day MI as MI practice. (12 hours classroom time).
- Following training completion of hospital SBIRT staff, the hospital and staff will be certified and if eligible, will be able to bill for Medicaid. LLTI will notify MCO’s and BHSD of the ER and staff certifications.
- Referrals to Behavioral Health – those who do therapy with AOD and Mental Health patients NEED to have training in working with both. We suggest evidence-based treatments such as Community Reinforcement Approach, Seeking Safety, or other Cognitive-Behavioral approaches, although there are others as well. We can give direction on how to obtain those trainings. Patients who did the best in our project had counseling and not just brief intervention.
- In addition to NM SBIRT technical assistance, we offer on-going training for certified sites. The training of trainers (TOT) is offered in order to have staff who can maintain fidelity to the model and assure that training is given for onboarding and staff you can benefit from refreshers. TOT eligible trainers must have experience in training and have completed a full two-day training in Motivational Interviewing/SBI.

Training Overview for Hospital ERs.docx | |
File Size: | 228 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Billing for SBIRT Document

billing_for_sbirt_nov-2024.pdf | |
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CEUs/Certificates are provided for those associated with the NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board, Peer Support Workers, and Community Health Workers. We do not provide direct CEUS for Physicians or Nurses.
Instruments associated with the HLQ |

phq-9_english.pdf | |
File Size: | 40 kb |
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dast-10_institute.pdf | |
File Size: | 137 kb |
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